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The early youth riffle weekend was October 10-11 so we talked to Boyd and we decided to go hunting on his land for a better chance at success so we get out to his stand about 30 minutes before first light or an hour before sunrise whichever way you look at it, at around oh I don’t know 9:30 a pretty good size doe walks out from the field and walked straight into my sights at 85 yards I had her dead to rights and I shot her I watched her walk to a tree lay down and it looked like she was going to die but dumb me I dropped the sandbag and I watched my doe runoff into a bramble patch so at that point I was devastated so we sat in the blind waiting to hear a crash or see another deer the more the merrier right so after an hour of waiting we get down to check if we could see her. When we get down to the spot where I shot her we barely saw any blood but Boyd suggests we go into the bramble patch with the ranger we agree and head in we search for about 20 minutes and right when we’re about to turn around I see her about 10 feet away dead and that’s my first deer of the 2020 deer season.

My second memmory isn’t actually hunting related this just seamed like the place for it October 9th my grandma on my moms side had a heart function test like she did every six months we wouldn’t get the results till Tuesday so she encouraged me to go hunting Saturday so when Tuesday rolled around we were all optimistic we get a phone call saying she needs to get to Vanderbilt because her main artery had a 85% clog so Thursday morning we said our good-byes and mom and my aunt took her to the hospital , 17 days later I’m greeting people at her funeral she was the reason I got my deer that weekend.

My third memmory is of modern gun season me and dad had been out hunting all week and it was Thanksgiving day so we decided to head out for a couple of hours to see if we could get anything we walked for hours right when we were heading back I saw a deer at 57 yards I took am and shot her she went down immediately so then we called a neighbor to bring us his ranger for us to borrow by the time we got cleaned up we had 5 minutes before supper. One more story to go before this post is done.

This is my forth and final memory for this one, okay it’s December 27 the first day of youth modern gun season we go out walking and after 2 hours of searching we find some deer at what we thought was a 200 yard shot but they were on land that we didn’t have permission to be on so dad called and asked and they gave us the all clear so I lined up the shot and pulled the trigger they ran off but I thought I saw one fall so we walked over there looking for blood but then I saw them a hundred yards away so I shot the slowest one and watched her go down, when we were skinning her later that afternoon we saw another fresh bullet hole i shot the same deer twice the other day we looked at the field and saw I hit her the first time at 487 yards. I hope you liked my 2020-21 deer season.

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Author: soph.hope07

I live in Kentucky and want to share the the beauty of Kentucky nature with everyone.