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I was 11 when I went turkey hunting for the first time and let me tell you we choose the worst weekend to go. I will tell you why you see a movie we wanted to see came out the night before so we went and saw it the only problem was that the only showing was at 8pm and it was about a 3 1/2 hours long so it was almost midnight by the time we got home and almost 1am by the time we went to bed so we really only got about about 3 hours of sleep. Boyd didn’t know we only got around 3 hours of sleep and I think we did a good job of hiding it if I do say so myself. Anyway we got to Boyds house around 5am and we were at the blind by 5:30 and were set up by 6am.We called a couple of times and maybe heard one but I was really getting nervous when we hadn’t seen one by 8:30 because we had to quit by 9:30(because we had to be on the road by 10 to make it to an appointment) we were all a little bit discouraged and our disappointment only grew the longer we sat in the blind not to mention it was like 28 degrees that morning so we packed up camp at 9:30 that morning. So that’s my first private land turkey hunt like always tell me what you think.

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Author: soph.hope07

I live in Kentucky and want to share the the beauty of Kentucky nature with everyone.