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Squirrel’s are dismissed as an easy animal to hunt, but there actually very intelligent. For example they have a very trustworthy alarm system. They rely on the animals around them(birds,deer etc…) witch makes it a lot harder to sneak up on them, but if your quiet enough you can. Another thing that makes them so hard to hunt is how fast they are. If you make even one wrong move they will go 0-20 in a millisecond, that’s what makes them so hard to hunt.

I was 11 when I first went squirrel hunting. It was November in Kentucky, and was so exited. I got my gun ready and was about to shoot, suddenly my gun felt like it was made of led. When I finally worked up the nerve the squirrel saw me and bolted. By the time we got to go hunting again November had ended. It was December 22 when I got my first squirrel.

Now I could tell you this amazing story about how I shot one from 30 yards away, but that would be a lie. Truthfully one very unlucky squirrel ran down the tree in front of me. I was so nervous that I messed up a 5 yard shot and lucky me, there happened to be a pipe at the base of the tree. The squirrel ran into it and we spent an hour trying to get it. Finally we got it out, I felt so bad for the poor thing and how much pain and suffering it went through. Ever since that day I have practiced aiming, shooting, and timing.

My suggestion to anyone hunting, no matter what it is, learn everything you can about the animal. Practice shooting at different ranges before and during the season.

Let me know what you think, and leave a comment.

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Author: soph.hope07

I live in Kentucky and want to share the the beauty of Kentucky nature with everyone.